Monday, May 12, 2014

Top Three Excuses For Poor Performance

In the stock investing world, companies are required to report their earnings quarterly and management is required to assess their performance over that period while typically also projecting what they expect going forward. From reading countless annual reports, I have compiled a Top Three list for what I find to be the most inexcusable excuses that management teams employ to absolve themselves of responsibility for underperformance.
1) “Weather Related”
Can anyone remember a time when weather wasn’t impacting the way we live our lives? Every Winter I can remember has had snowstorms and every Summer has had heat waves. These are not valid reasons for missing targets. They are events that can and in many cases should be expected and planned for.
2) “Challenging Macro Environment”
This one is just broad enough to encompass nearly anything and everything conceivable that might happen in the course of doing business. No one is expecting management to be able to predict everything that is going to happen across the globe, but this excuse is akin to saying, “We’re not really sure what was going on and once we did the accounting we realized we were behind.”
Really, this excuse is so vague that it is unclear how management goes about remedying it going forward. The macro environment is always going to be challenging and uncertain.
3) ­“Margins Squeezed Due To Seasonal Deals”
Every year has basically the same seasons and holidays. A management team that cannot anticipate it will be discounting items through December or any other month to generate sales is frighteningly short-sighted. I would rather not trust them with my investment dollars.
If the companies you’re invested in are using any (or worse, all) of these excuses, it may be a sign to consider other venues. As an investor, you should be aware of who is managing the companies you hold stock in. If management is responsible for the good times, they should be able to also point inward when times get tough.